


German, English

last online
341 days 10 hours

Member since

About me

Hallo liebe Community. Ich freue mich, Teil dieses kreativen Kreises zu sein. Da ich viel in der Welt unterwegs bin, werde ich mich hauptsächlich aktiv an Projekten beteiligen, die für mich interessant sind. Es macht mir Spaß, gute Kunst zu schaffen, zu sehen und zu erleben. Daher wünsche ich mir und allen anderen Designern viel Spaß und allen Kunden viel Erfolg und Auswahl bei ihren Projekten. Dein bunter Oliver

Hello dear community. I am happy to be a part of this creative circle. Since I travel a lot in the world, I will mainly take an active part in projects that are interesting for me. I enjoy creating, seeing and experiencing good art. Therefore, I wish myself and all other designers a lot of fun and all clients a lot of success and choice in their projects. Your colorful Oliver


display advertising, outdoor advertising, Banner advertising, Brochures, Book design, Corporate design, Flash animation, Illustrations, Motion design, Packaging design, Billboard advertising, Print advertising, Screen design, Flyer design, Web design, Naming

