About me
Als kreatives und professionelles Design-Team bieten wir ein umfassendes Leistungsportfolio umfasst unter anderem Logo-Design, Corporate Design, Webdesign, Motion Design, Videographie, Flyer, Visitenkarten und vieles mehr. Wir bieten unseren Kunden eine breite Palette an Design- und Gestaltungslösungen, die individuell auf ihre Bedürfnisse und Wünsche abgestimmt sind. Mit unserer Kreativität und unserem Fachwissen setzen wir jedes Projekt professionell und zielorientiert um. Gerne stehen wir unseren Kunden von der Konzeption bis zur Umsetzung und auch darüber hinaus beratend zur Seite, um langfristig erfolgreiche Projekte zu schaffen. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne für eine unverbindliche Beratung!
display advertising, outdoor advertising, Banner advertising, Brochures, Book design, Corporate design, Flash animation, Illustrations, Motion design, Packaging design, Billboard advertising, Print advertising, Screen design, Flyer design, Web design
Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, Typo3, Magento, xt:Commerce, VirtueMart, OXID, osCommerce, Contao, Jimdo
web technologies
HTML/xHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Search engine optimization, MySQL, MS SQL, Access, Webframeworks (jQuery, CakePHP etc.)
You can go on working with HS Design! You can book the following additional tasks:
business card design
fixed price: 119,00 € gross / 100,00 € net
Individual design (one or two sides) based on your wishes and information.
orderletter paper
fixed price: 119,00 €gross / 100,00 € net
Individual design based on your wishes and information.
orderfacebook header
fixed price: 119,00 € gross /100,00 € net
Individual design based on your demands and depending on the fact if you deliver images yourself or want the designers to look for suitable stock-images (additional costs).
orderFlyer design (front side only)
fixed price: 119,00 € gross / 100,00 € net
Individual design based on your demands and depending on the fact if you deliver images yourself or want the designers to look for suitable stock-images (additional costs).
orderFlyer design (front and back)
fixed price: 238,00 € gross / 200,00 € net
Individual design based on your demands and depending on the fact if you deliver images yourself or want the designers to look for suitable stock-images (additional costs).
fixed price: 59,50 € gross / 50,00 € net
Design of an envelope according to customer requirements and delivery of print data.
fixed price: 59,50 € gross / 50,00 € net
Design of a stamp according to customer requirements and delivery of print data.
orderword template
fixed price: 59,50 € gross / 50,00 € net
Design and delivery of a Word template for business letters.