Cake Pops
Winner design of grafschaft

Cake Pops

For the amount of 175€ will be 58 Design Suggestions from 12 designers handed in.

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This short briefing was written by a client:

We sell cake pops. Please have a look at our website though it is in German only. There you will find our current logo which needs to be reworked. Our aim and wish is that the new logo is not as varicolered as the current one. Also, we want it to be more stylish and elegant. We want to approach both private and business customers.
We imagine the color of the lettering "Heidi's Cake Pops" to be a powerful pink, but apart from that we just wait and see what the designers come up with.

Our German slogan "Feiern Sie mit Sti(e)l" means something like "Celebrate in style". The special thing about the slogan is that the German word for style (German "Stil") and stick (German "Stiel") is being pronounced exactly the same way, the only difference is the "e" which is added to the German word for stick. Quite nice for a dessert that comes with a stick always. So, we look forward to seeing how the designers will add the "e" (but not in brackets please). Maybe by using a different color or font? Or like the "e" is falling down from above? We hope this is somewhat understandable for a non-German and rely on the designers.

Furthermore, please feel free using pastel colors, also the combination of the colors brown/beige/fawn, light pink and off-white is something we like a lot. However, we are open for any suggestions.

Plus: Our website address "" is to be added to the logo as well.

Shape: circle or oval, as Cake Pops are just the same shape most of the time. is an easy, fast and risk-free alternative to get a professional design at an affordable price.
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